Using CSS for Better Design
By Andrey Diamandiev
This is an introductunary article for people who are new to CSS. Basic HTML knowledge
is required.
CSS is a fundamental web design element. It is a markup language just like html,
but unlike html it is not representing a document but a document's style. Back in
the day developers used to define element styles in the html itself, just like this:
<b><font size="3" color="red">This is some text!</font></b>
Nowadays instead of doing this we could use CSS and write something like this:
<span class="myclass">This is some text!</span>
The class attribute defines the css class that the element uses and myclass is the
actual class defined in css. That way we separate the style form the presentation,
so when we change the css the html will not have to be changed as well.
CSS Syntax
The CSS syntax is made up of three parts: a selector, a property and a value, the
combination of the three is called a style rule:
selector {property: value}
The selector is normally the HTML element or class you wish to define, the property
is the attribute you wish to change, each property must have a value. The property
and value are separated by a colon, and surrounded by curly braces:
body {color: black}
If the value contains multiple words it is recommended that you put quotes around
p {font-family: "sans serif"}
If you wish to specify more than one property, you must separate each property with
a semicolon.
p {text-align:center;color:red}
You could also make definitions more readable by setting one property per line:
p { text-align: center;
color: black;
font-family: arial }
CSS Selectors
These are the different css selectors:
This selectors define a custom class that can be applied to a html element trough
the class attribute. A class name should begin with a dot:
.myclass {color: blue}
To use the class the class attribute has to be added:
<p class="myclass">Some text</p>
Element selectors define the style that a specific html element should have:
body {color: black}
Id's are just like classes, there are only few differences. Unlike classes
id's use the id attribute instead of class. There can not be elements with duplicate
id's where by classes this is allowed. An id selector should begin with a # symbol:
#myid {color: blue}
To use the id just add the id attribute:
<p id="myid">Some text</p>
Advanced Selectors
These selectors can be used to select an element, class or id inside a class, element
or id, just like this:
.myclass a {color: red}
The above statement makes all a elements inside an element with class set to myclass
have red color. The same can be done the other way around:
a .myclass {color: red}
Here is another combination:
.myclass .myclass2 {color: red}
The above selector applies to all elements with class set to myclass2 within an element
that has its class set to myclass
Pseudo Classes
Pseudo classes are selectors are used to define special style and functionality to
a:link {color: #FF0000;} /* changes the color of an unvisited link */
a:visited {color: #00FF00;} /* changes the color of an visited link */
a:hover {color: #FF00FF;} /* changes the color when the mouse over event occurs */
a:active {color: #0000FF;} /* changes the color of a selected link */
Pseudo Elements
Pseudo elements are used to define a style to a specific part of an element like
the first letter of an p element:
p:first-letter {color: red;}
There are many other pseudo elements but they are beyond the scope of this article.
CSS Properties
Here is a list of some of the most commonly used css properties:
- color - sets the color of an element
- font-size - sets the font size of an element
- font-family - sets the font of an element
- font-weight - sets the font size of an an element
- background-color - sets the background color of an element
- background-image - sets the background of an element
- width - sets the width of an element
- height - sets the height of an element
Note that this is just a very small fraction of all the css properties.
Putting it All Together
Now since you know the basic css syntax and structure you can see it in action. You
can either write your css directly into the html file, directly into the html
elements or make a css file.
Creating a CSS file
A css file is a simple text file which contains style rules, it is very simple to
put one together, here is an example of an css file's contents:
.myclass {myproperty: myvalue; mypropery2: myvalue2;}
myelement {myproperty:myvalue; mypropery2: myvalue2;}
myelement2 {myproperty: myvalue; mypropery2: myvalue2;}
Basically a css file is a collection of style rules and nothing else, after you have
created your file you just have to embed it.
Embedding a CSS file
To embed a CSS file add the following tag inside the head tag:
<link href="mycssfile.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
Writing CSS directly to a html document
To embed a directly to a html document add the following tag inside the head
<style type="text/css">.myclass {myproperty: myvalue; mypropery2: myvalue2;}</style>
Writing CSS directly to an element
You can also embed the css directly to a html element, however this is not good designing
<element style="myproperty: myvalue; mypropery2: myvalue2;">This is some text!</element>